Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Apple Developing Smart TV Set

The Apple co-founder exposed that his company has finally "‘cracked’ how to build an integrated television that is entirely easy to use'," This piece of hardware "would be perfectly synced with all of your devices and with iCloud,"

White believes Apple’s smart TV will tie in closely with Apple’s digital ecology system, He also believes Apple will charge between two and three times the cost of competing LCD TVs for its television product, which will characteristic “unmatched aesthetics” and an unequaled user experience, “In our view, features such as Siri, FaceTime, the App Store, iTunes and gaming are a usual fit for a full blown Apple TV, combined with possible new features and technologies in the prospect,” As per White , adding that deep mixing with iTunes and iCloud is also a given,

Consumers should see it in stores earlier than later


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